26 May 2015

The Path

Good Morning, Father God!  You are the Name above all names!  You are the One who rules the universe, yet You invite us to call You Abba, Dad.  Wow!  You have given us a new day, full of new beginnings.  Thank You that every morning is a chance to start over.  Help us to let go of the past and hold onto Your hand as we go through today.   No matter what the circumstances, with You we are safe in Your eternal Kingdom, a place that even death can't take from us.  We pray for those who still stumble outside the path You have shown us, dear Jesus.  I cannot imagine having to go through this tough life without Your hand to hold me!  We pray for those who have met You, but have wandered off the path, lured by temptations or dulled into apathy.  Give us words of love and wisdom to help show them the way back home.  Sometimes we are anything but kind and forget the gift of hospitality that we are called to offer to all.  You loved the world enough to die for it; Holy Spirit, enable us, sinners though we be, to love all of Your creation enough to live for it, for Your love's sake always - Amen.

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