27 May 2015

Praying Psalm 71

Hallelujah, Father God!  I trust You with everything and just know that with You, everything is going to work out for the best.  It may look gloomy right now, but You are my sunshine!  You are my refuge - the One I can always run to and find shelter.  You are the Rock on which I can stand above all the muck and mire that life may throw in my direction.  You've always looked after me, even before I was born!  I'm sorry when I forget You and don't think to give You the praise You deserve.  I'm sorry that I get spiritually lazy and let busyness be more important than You in my life - Nothing could be further from the REAL reality!  I put my eternal hope in You, Lord Jesus.  Blessed Spirit, help me to lift my praises more and more!  Don't let me ever stop talking about all You are and all You've done for me and for the whole world!  You are my strength, my comfort, my everything and I know You are the only One who will never fail me.  Blessed be Your Name, most glorious Triune God!  Hallelujah!  Amen!

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