09 May 2015


Gracious Father God,  sometimes we have to change our plans.  Sometimes we're irritated that we can't do what we want to do, when we want to do it. Sometimes I literally stomp my foot and protest loudly to anyone who will listen. That's You, isn't it, Father God.  You always listen.  And sometimes the changes in plan are because YOU have other ideas, so why do I gripe about it so much? Forgive us when we're childish rather than childlike, Father.  I know I need to look behind the outward way of things and seek Your presence in the midst of whatever is going on.  Is the devil trying to block my path and get me off course?  Or is it Your loving hand guiding me into Your will, full of Your possibilities?  I know that I don't need to worry about getting the right directions if only I'll just keep bringing it all to You and asking for Your blessing. You alone are the One who wants the very best for me.  You alone can take my fumbling, grumbling efforts and turn them into good and blessed moments.  You alone are the perfect, never faltering GPS for my life!  Thank You, blessed Saviour, loving Father, guiding Spirit! Amen! 

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