15 May 2015

Just as I am

Our Heavenly Father, You are the Name above all names, You are the Good Shepherd, the Great Physician, the Loving Father who welcomes us home with a party!  Why do we find that so hard to believe?  Why do we think it only applies to us if we're good enough, rather than if we'll just come to You?  Forgive me for thinking that I have something to prove.  Forgive me for rejecting the challenge of accepting and following You by using the excuse that I'm not good enough.  Forgive me for still living like those Pharisees You chided so sternly.  You whisper my name and You call me to come - That is enough!  You stretched out Your arms, Lord, and gave all for the love of the world - for me, sinner that I am!  I know You want me to respond to Your love by giving and living that love in the world, but it can only be a response that comes from accepting Your Love.  Forgive me for living as though the salvation poured out from Your precious and holy death on the cross depends on what I do!   I can't do this wondrous, miraculous thing!  Only You, Lord, only You!  To the glory of the Father, in the power of the Spirit, O Lamb of God, I come!  Alleluia! Amen!

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