25 May 2015

For Calm

Heavenly Father, thank You for sailing with us through our lives.  Some days are easier than others.  Some times everything flows smoothly and nothing ruffles the waters.  Other days we get frustrated and irritable; it seems like everything and everybody crashes in on us.  I know those are the times we need You the most.  Calm us, O Lord, just like You stilled the storm.  Bring us into Your peace and help us to relax in Your love.  Blessed Spirit, bid the churning stress to cease, and enable us to remember that nothing matters more than You, our loving eternal Father-God.  And if the words or actions of others threaten to break over us, help us not to add words to the storm.  Let us, instead, be harbingers of Your calm, for the furtherance of Your Kingdom - Always, Amen. 

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