23 May 2015


Good Morning, Father God!   What peace there is in Your presence... but sometimes it is so hard to get here!  I know I shouldn't let other things distract me from sitting down with You, for You alone are my loving Heavenly Father.  It amazes me how You are so eager for me to come to You with every little thing in my life.  After all, You are the Creator of everything that is Good; the entire Universe is brought into existence simply by Your Word.  I can believe that You know all ABOUT me (like the number of every hair on my head) much more easily than I can believe You want to know ME, just as I am, warts and grumbles and all.  Can I really believe that You would keep a watch out for me and race down the road to meet me if I even turn in Your direction?  Forgive me, Father, for letting other things distract me.  Forgive me for not remembering You, when I know that You always remember me.  Thank You, Jesus, for bringing me home. Blessed Spirit, grant me the peace that comes with sitting down with You and sharing my innermost thoughts, dreams and worries.  Always and forever, I am Your child -Amen.

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