11 May 2015

Taking off the blinkers

O Father God, how easy it is when the sun is shining and all is well in my world to forget those for whom the storms rage and even their very existence is threatened.  Am I so self-centred that I believe that if everything is right with me then all is right with everybody?  Forgive me, Lord Jesus.  That's certainly not the way You lived, and so not the way You're calling me to be.  As painful as it is, take my blinkers off so that I can see my neighbors, whoever and wherever they are, know their needs and reach out with Your love.  Strip me of self so that I can truly live in Your Kingdom, not just scuttle along obliviously on my self-contained rat racetrack.  Painful as it is, there is peace in knowing that I am with You, because You are there in the stinking, miry pits of our existence, as surely as You are present on the mountaintops that glow.  Holy Spirit, grant me the courage to walk this Christian walk of discipleship - every moment and not just when it's comfortable.  Shine Your Light, Great and Gracious God, and help me throw away the blinkers for Your love's sake - Always, Amen.

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