30 May 2015


It is the evening of the day, Heavenly Father, and You call us to end our day by spending time with You.  I love talking with You, and it never ceases to amaze me that You actually desire for me - ME! - to come sit with You and share my longings, my uncertainties, my dreams, my frustrations - no matter how unimportant they may seem in the eternal scheme of things.  Why do people think it's so hard to pray, Lord?  Thank You for the blessings You have given us, holy Jesus, by breaking down the barriers that stood between us!   Thank You that every moment of every day I can share a relationship with You.  As the night closes around me, You are still here.  If I wake up before the dawn, You are never asleep but with me always.  Through all my pains, my joys and laughter, my sorrows and grievings, You share it all. Help me to likewise take the time each day to share it all with You.  How amazing, how humbling, how mysteriously unfathomable is Your love!  Thank You, Father Son Spirit, my All-in-all, Amen.

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