07 May 2015

All the Time of Eternity

Good morning, Father God!  You have made today and You call me to rejoice and be glad in it, but with the rush of things it's hard to be still and know You are not only God but my loving heavenly Father who wants only the best for me. People and circumstances and mental to-do lists crowd for my attention and yank my eyes off of You with their insistence to take priority.  It's hard to remember Your arms around me when there are messes to be cleaned up and others demanding my presence.  O Lord, this is just a hint of what it is like for You, as we crowd You with our cries for attention and needs for You to clean up our messes!  And yet, You always have all the time of eternity for each of us, and long to hear our every word.  You are always in our presence, loving and patiently waiting for us to return that love to You.  You are as much in the messes and demands of my life as You are in the rare quiet moments of calm. Help me to speak with You in the midst of it all - tough and smooth, pleasant and painful, frazzled and peaceful - whatever the day may bring, let me rejoice and be glad in it simply because You are in it with me!  Father, Son, Spirit - Alleluia!  In Your Love, Amen.   

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