06 May 2015


Gracious Heavenly Father, You have given me a new day, full of possibilities.  I can choose to risk living it in Your Kingdom; I can ignore that there's any choice to be made and stubbornly go my own way; or I can choose to retreat into my shell, terrified of making such a risky commitment.  Lord Jesus, You were never afraid to stick Your neck out.  You knew that to live in the Father's love means to stand out from the mob.  Forgive me when I'm scared of being different. We slip into the world's way of wanting to be accepted by the people we think are the important people. We forget that You call us to stick our necks out and follow a seemingly unimportant Jewish carpenter who was shamefully nailed to a cross.  Forgive us, Lord.  Help us to risk sticking our necks out and walking Your way in this life, even when it isn't the smooth path lined with buttercups, but a rocky road that causes us pain and discomfort.  Thank You for those in my life who have followed You and are examples to us all.  Holy, holy, holy Spirit, grant me the courage to take hold of Your nailed-scarred hand today and stick my neck out with them, rather than turn away to my own way or withdraw into the shell of fear.  
You are with me always. 
              You enable me to walk tall
                                    in a way different from the world around me and, 
                    even when others see me as ridiculous, 
                                                                 I know You love me!   
                                                        To Your glory now and always, Amen.  

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