13 May 2015

Mad Dash

Gracious Blessing from Above, 
Thank You.  What simple two words those are, and how often I forget to say them.  And yet my life is filled to overflowing with reasons to lift up my thanksgiving to You, my loving Father!  I am surrounded by Your glorious blessings and yet I too often fly past them, intent just on getting to wherever it is I think is so important that I have to race there.  Do I think that You won't give me whatever time I need for whatever I need to do?  And why do I forget that what You need me to do is all that is eternally important?  Forgive me for racing through this life on my own timetable, instead of pausing along the way of today and asking what You would have me do.  Help me to trust that You will give me all the time in Your world that I need to be in Your presence and follow the path You lay forth.  Forgive me my mad dash that blurs not only Your Kingdom but Your voice.  Grant me, O Holy Spirit, the peace that the world can never in its hurrying hurly-burly give.   Only You, O Christ; only You.  Alleluia!  Amen.

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