10 May 2015

Caring Like Mary

On this Lord's Day, Father God, we lift up to You all those who have shown us Your love in our lives.  We thank You for all those who have shown us a mother's love, caring for us as Mary cared for You, blessed Jesus.  Whoever has touched us - mother, grandmother, aunt, neighbor, Sunday School teacher - we lift them to You in thanksgiving and praise.  Through them You have blessed us, but we know that You don't want us to let it stop there.  Help us to be a blessing to others; to shown them Your unconditional love that knows no bounds. 
And if mothers have brought pain into our lives, enable us by Your grace to forgive and let go of the hurt.  Bring healing into our hearts and minds, dear Jesus, that we may go forward, knowing that we are wrapped in Your love.
   Enable us all to be role models for any children You place in our lives, whether at home, at school, at church, in our neighborhoods or in our communities. Let Your light shine through us, O Holy Spirit, so that no matter what comes they may know that they are never alone.  May we together know that You are with us always - this day and forever and ever - Amen.   

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