21 May 2015

Stormy Friction

Dear Father-God, thank You for today.  It's not always easy to say that, or to really mean it when we do.  As I feel the crackle of lightning in the atmosphere and listen to the windows shake with thunder, I am reminded of the friction in our lives.  When the heat of the moment meets the cold of frozen hearts a storm erupts.  Words fly like forks of lightning against the shouts of booming thunder.  We still live in a world that is fallen and broken, Lord.  Forgive us when we create friction.  Forgive me for not holding my tongue when I have nothing positive to say.  Forgive me for snide remarks and self-righteous attitudes that sting like hail.  Forgive me for not treating others with the respect that I believe they owe me.  Instead of pouring out the oil of peace and kindness, of goodness, mercy and self-control, I flash my temper and boom my demands. Forgive me for not loving my neighbor; forgive the friction I cause around me. Help me to clear the clouds of misunderstanding and the tear-filled rains and hurt.  May Your Light, O Christ, be what shines forth in all I say and do.   O Holy Spirit, heal the friction in my heart and bring forth Your peace, to the glory of our Father, now and forever - Amen.  

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