18 May 2015

For You

O Heavenly God our Father, how thankful I am for Your loving arms of comfort and strength.  The cooling breath of Your Spirit gently blows through the sultriness of the day and touches me with Your mercy and kindness in the midst of whatever befalls me.  O Jesus, Lamb of God, it is only because of Your selflessness that I can come before You, my God, with each and every moment of my life!  How can I possibly thank You for such a gift?  Take each breath I breathe and let it be lived for You.  Take my hands and use them to reach out to those who need a friend.  Take my words and let them be the honey of Your Word to those who are tired and brought low.  And when I stumble and fall, forgive me, enable me to learn from it and move forward once again.  You are my God, I am Your child, and it is all too awe-inspiring for words... Forever, Amen.

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