24 May 2015

On Pentecost

O Holy Spirit,  You are with us always and we depend on You each moment. You are our strength; grant us Your gentleness.  You are our peace; grant us Your kindness.  You are our faithfulness; grant us Your love.  For what are strength, peace and faith if we aren't gentle with others, kind to others, loving in Your name to others?  As this day of celebration of Pentecost comes to a close, help us to be good witnesses of all that You are.  Sometimes, when I think on the example we show, I wonder why anyone would want to be a Christian.  Then I see gentle, faith-filled followers of the Body of Christ living out Your love in selfless service, and am reminded of how You never fail us.  Bless us and use us, that we may bring You glory!  May others see You reflected in what we say and do.  And when we fail, grant us humility to admit our faults, confess our sins and start again, held always in Your love, Heavenly Father, Blessed Son, Holy Spirit - Three-in-One.  Alleluia!  Amen       

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