05 May 2015

For eyes and ears

Blessed Father God, I gaze out the window onto Your world and marvel at how often I don't have eyes that see or ears that hear how everything around me proclaims Your glory.  You paint with infinite colour and texture, all within a flower petal.  You compose with every pitch and percussion, as sparrows and geese sing with tree frogs and cicada.  And You do it all simply because You love. The warmth of the sun reminds me of Your presence, that has brought me through the winters of my life.  The whisper of the breeze reminds me of Your touch, even when I have walked in desert places. Forgive me for my blindness as I dash through my day.  I confess that all too often I am deaf to Your voice, and let the raucous noise of media drown out Your whispers, O Holy Spirit.  May I crave Your presence more than I crave anything else in my life, dear Christ...for You craved my salvation more than You craved even life itself.  Glory!  What wondrous love this is, poured out for even one life me and surrounding me every moment of every day!  Holy is each moment spent with You, forever in Your Love, Amen.

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