12 May 2015


Heavenly Father, it's the time of in-between.  The sky is still holding onto its light, but the night is rapidly taking over.  Mosquitoes begin their swarm attacks while the frog choir tunes up around the pond.  The air is heavy with humidity, but there is no sign of rain to relieve it.   It is a time of change; not quite night but no longer day, no longer raining but not really clear.  While it is an ordinary time for many, it is an evening of change for others.  
We pray for those who are at crossroads of unwelcome change - the passing of a loved one, the loss of a job, the breakdown of a relationship, the disablement of disease or accident.  May they know Your never-changing presence and arms of comfort around them.   
We pray for those who face the challenges of new and exciting change - retirement, a new child, graduation, marriage.  No matter how welcome, such life changes can be nerve-wracking!  May they too know Your constant presence and feel Your Spirit guiding them into new paths of their journeys.  
And for those who are facing the greatest change of all - that from life through death to new life eternal - may they be wrapped in Your merciful peace and carried over the threshold in Your strength and never-changing love.    
For those of us who are having an ordinary evening, may we remember that we are blessed in order to be a blessing.  May we make the time to spend it in with You, and lift up to You all those for whom it is a time of change.  Hold us all safe in Your arms this evening and forever, for Your love's sake we ask. Amen.

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