01 June 2015


Father God, thank You for interruptions.  I've been amazed at reading in Your Word how often Your ministry poured forth out of interruptions, Jesus.  We have become so focused on speed and "efficiency" and our own agendas that we forget the holiness that can be found in interruptions.  Instead, we usually see them as nuisances, as things that get in the way of what we think is really important.  Forgive us, Lord.  You never showed the least impatience with people interrupting You.  You always had time for people.  That's it, isn't it, Lord.  People should be the biggest agenda for all of us, second only to You.  Loving You and loving neighbour means having time for You and for all those around me, even my enemies.  I'm sorry for all the times that I have seen people as interruptions and not as the beloved children of God that they are.  Thank You for never seeing me that way, but always having unlimited time for me.  Father-Son-Spirit, loving and eternal God, in Your arms we pray - Amen.

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