06 June 2015


Loving Father-God,  thank You for walking through this day with me.  You are my comfort when I am sad.  You are my courage when I am overwhelmed. You are my joy when I laugh.  You alone are my all in all, no matter what this world throws at me!   It's SO much easier when I remember that You are here with me.   Forgive me when, like Adam and Eve after the fall, I try to hide from You, Lord.  Sometimes I hide behind right-sounding words when my heart is full of mean-mouthing grumbles.  Sometimes I hide behind busyness instead of focusing on Your call to righteousness.  Sometimes I'm so wrapped up in myself, Lord!   When I think of others my heart aches for those who don't know Your presence.  Lord Jesus, open the minds and souls of those who block You out with constant distractions.  Free those who try to avoid You by filling their lives with destructive addictions - whether drink, computer games, drugs, work, frantic activity - whatever enslaves them. Break through whatever would separate us, because we so need You every moment of every day!  O Holy Spirit, this evening bring Your peace that defies definition, Your strength that is beyond our own, Your comfort that wraps us in the awareness of Your love; the love that is ours now and always - Alleluia! Amen!

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