02 June 2015

The Biggest Big Picture

Great and wonder-full Father-God, my mind boggles when I try to think about how You are eternal.  You have no start and You have no end.  You simply ARE - always have been, always will be.  In this life I'm stuck on a chronological timeline and find it hard to imagine not being ruled by its passing.  I know that's not an excuse, Lord, for getting caught up in worldliness, but I can see how easy it is for me to. I need to look for You in the middle of wherever and whenever I am, to remind me that what I can see and what I feel this moment isn't all there is to real life - the life You offer me.  When life is hard, remind me that there are holy moments in painful growth and that joy will come again. When there are painful memories and hurts that come back to jab my heart over and over again, remind me that You are my peace and with You forgiveness and healing can come.  When I want to give up and give in to despair and depression, remind me that You are a hope that is beyond all of the pits and muck of life and I will rise again.  But when I want all of this and more to come just when and how I want it to, remind me dear Spirit, that it is not my will, but Yours that I must seek.  You are eternal.  You see it all and at once; the biggest of the big picture that has no edges, no frame, no introductory headings, no ending credits.  And You love me - even me - and want me to take part in Your story, right beside You in every scene.  Wow.  What a mystery is this life abundant lived with You, Father-Son-Spirit, ALWAYS - Amen.  

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