09 June 2015

Into Your Hands

Gracious Heavenly Father, into Your hands we place this day.  Touch us, use us, help us pray.  All that's good, please bless and lift; and please forgive all that's amiss.  We love You, Lord and want to stay upon the path that is Your Way.  But often we're distracted by temptations, idols and the lie.  It tries to lure us away from You, to grasp what's false and not what's true.  What we need, we humbly ask, to live this life and discern the task, grant us Holy Spirit, please.   And may it all be wrapped in love and grace and mercy from above.  In the name of the Father, in the name of the Son, in the name of the Spirit, Great God Three-in-One!  Amen

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