05 June 2015


Heavenly Father, before me there are white fluffy clouds rising like marshmallow on the horizon.  Above them, streaked across the lingering blue sky there are bands of dirty grey, as though somebody dropped the bottom of them in house dust. Off in the distance to the right there is a mound of deep purplish black that speaks of more rain.  Yet opposite the sunset there are glorious reds and oranges lighting up what will before long be a darkened sky.  What an incredible skyscape of ever-changing variety You create for us, but how many evenings do I even notice?   Thank You for all that goes to make up creation.  Like us, it is still fallen, but I'm certain that the infinite variety and uniqueness of every day is a part of Your holy will that proclaims it good.  Thank You, Almighty God, for such a gift of blessing, now and always - Amen. 

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