07 June 2015


God of Us All, in the face of what seems hopeless, You are our hope.  You have seen us through everything throughout the ages and have promised never to abandon us, and so we cling to You.  When we cannot understand, when we cannot see the way forward then You, O Christ, are our Way.  When the clouds of doubt and uncertainty threaten to enshroud us, You take our hands and lead us to the light beyond the dawn.  Help me to accept that I do not always need to understand everything, but just trust and obey.  Grant me peace within all the turmoil of the world and lead me, Blessed Spirit, in the way of love - not my own way, but Yours.  When you ask me to make sacrifices, let me remember Your great sacrifice, dear Jesus, and let me go forward without grumbling.  Because I know You love me, Father, I know You would not ask me to go anywhere You would not want me to be.  Bless us with Your hope, Father-Son-Spirit.  May our cup overflow this night and always -Amen.

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