25 June 2015

Come, Thou Fount

You are the Fount of every blessing, O Holy Spirit!  All the good I am is because of Your presence with me.  Without You, I couldn't make it.  Too often I forget You're with me and start grumbling.  I lose sight of Your blessings, Father God, and start looking at all that's wrong with the world - and especially with my neighbors and those closest to me.  I begin making comparisons instead of having compassion.  I just make a mess of things without You at the forefront of my life, dear Jesus!   So, as the hymn so beautifully puts it, Come, Thou Fount of every blessing, tune my heart to sing Thy grace; streams of mercy, never ceasing, call for songs of loudest praise!*   Father-Son-Spirit, I place the rest of this night into the safe keeping of Your hands and trust You with the morrow. Forever and ever - Amen!

* Robert Robinson 1758

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