02 July 2015

Thank You

Loving Heavenly Father, our lives can plod along and lead us to become careless in our prayer life and in the time we spend with You in Your Word.  How easy it is to put You off and take other things as our priorities!  I know that I often need shaking awake and a reminder that You are here and want my attention to centre on You.  You are so wonderful, so powerful, so above all!  You are magnificent in Your mercy, breathtaking in beauty, luscious in Love beyond anything I can begin to comprehend or describe!  No matter if my skies are menacing - even catastrophic - or if they are stunningly calm and clear blue, when I am aware that You are with me I can walk with joy and rest in peace. "Thank You" can't begin to reveal the praise that's due You, O Lord my God, but I lift to You my humble thanks for loving and saving me each day.  In Christ always and always - Amen.  

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