24 July 2015

Uplifted and Renewed!

Heavenly Father God, You are here and You are listening every moment of every day.  What a wonder that is for me, the one who finds it so hard to listen for even a few minutes!  As I sit here this morning, the air is heavy with humidity and the wind chimes are still.  The birds don't even seem to be singing and the silence is almost claustrophobic as it surrounds me.  But I cannot be heavyhearted even within this summer heat that weighs on me, because You are here!  If I listen very closely and watch very carefully I can see the signs of Your presence - gently the corn tassels stir and my soul is refreshed with the knowledge that You love me.  Nothing and no one can renew me as You can! There is nothing of greater importance today than to spend time with You, my loving God.  Bless me with the peace of Your touch and enable me to be a reflection of You, O Christ, in the life You would have me live, the places You would have me go, the people You would have me meet today.  Then I can face anything!  Yes, the circumstances may be heavy and oppressive, but You are my uplifting joy!  You are the only One who saves me and holds me and brings me the refreshing water of real life - Kingdom life!  Hallelujah!  Blessed be the Father, the Son, the Spirit - Three-in-One!  Amen!

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