07 July 2015

Still, Small Voice

Great and Gracious Heavenly Father, You speak to us in a still, small voice and yet it is so hard in our world to make a place of silence in order to listen.  Our society rushes loudly, not just through the day but through the night.  How can we expect to follow You, Lord, if we won't make the time and place to sit with You and listen?  Forgive us, dear God.  Spread Your wings of peace over our souls and enable us to rest in the comfort of Your heartbeat.  Enfold us in Your arms and whisper to our hearts.  We need You.  We never know what peril or difficulty or grief may thunder into each day.  We cannot survive this thing called life in joy and peace of mind without You.  Protect us from ourselves, break through our pride of independence and draw us to sit at Your feet in humbleness of spirit.  And may glory, praise and honour be Yours now and forever!  Amen, Amen, Amen.

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