18 July 2015

Wind and water

Almighty and Merciful Father-God, we are thankful for this day!  The sunshine is hazy and the corn is as high as an elephant's eye, as they say.  A slight breeze rustles its leaves and I am reminded, O Holy Spirit, of Your gentle rustling through my life.  You make the heat bearable. You touch my brow with the kiss of Your presence and I am blessed beyond measure!  As the land dips down to the edge of the pond Your breeze increases and brings a hint of coolness after it flows across the water and wraps around me in refreshment.  Wind and water - Spirit and baptism - You give me symbols of Your love and grace all about me in the world.  Give me the eyes to see You always in the midst of my life, dear Jesus.  Give me ears that want to hear Your voice above all others.  Grant me hands and feet eager to live Your will - now and always, forever and ever, we praise You, wonder-full God of Goodness!

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