10 July 2015

Who can come near You?

Great and gracious, holy and wonder-full Lord!  Who can come near to You? Who can begin to be who and what You are?  Forgive us for wanting to put Your majesty in a box.  Forgive us when we want to control what You say, where and when You are active.  Forgive us for trying to push You out by creating the false lie of a divide between sacred and secular.  Forgive us when we want to keep the bits of Your Word that we're comfortable with and that don't demand that we change instead of remembering that You alone are the Holy One and the Most High; You alone are God, not I.  Forgive us for not loving You enough to listen to You. Forgive us for not loving You enough to love our neighbours, whom You passionately love enough to have died for.   This entire world, the whole universe is Yours.  You made it and we cannot take it away from You, no matter how hard we may try to legislate You out of it.  Please forgive us.  Help us to walk uprightly with truth in our hearts.  Guard our tongues from backbiting and gossip.  Help us to discern good from evil, but let us not pretend to sit in Your seat of final judgment.  O Lord, I know You despise sin and I know I am a sinner.  I thank You with all my heart for loving me enough not to leave me in my sin, Blessed Jesus!  The glory and the honour is Yours forever and ever and ever - Amen!

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