20 July 2015


Loving and Almighty Father-God, in the midst of the booming of the afternoon thunderstorms I raise my voice up to You.  Your Word is sharper than the lightning,  Your love is deeper than the thunder.  You are greater and more powerful than anything nature can throw at us!  People talk about respecting the weather, about respect for ourselves and respect for others.  Sadly, these days there's not a lot of talk about respect for You, the One True God, maker of heaven and earth and all that is, seen and unseen.  I am so sorry, Lord.  You really have amazing patience with us.  I am overwhelmed with just how merciful You are and how much You must love us to put up with us like You do.  Thank You for standing by me throughout it all, FatherSonSpirit.
You are, indeed, worthy of the respect of the universe!  Alleluia!  Amen!

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