14 July 2015

Of mountains and molehills

You are the Almighty, You are the Only, You are the True God right now and forever!  We come in praise and we come in thanks.  We come bowed low, overcome by the awesomeness of Your love and Your goodness.  There is so much we don't know.  There are so many things we don't understand.  Forgive us when we think we have the answers.  So many times we don't even really know what the really important questions are yet!  We make mountains out of molehills, but worse than that, we make molehills out of what should be mountains in our lives.  Break down anything that would stand between us and Your Word of Life.  We can't even begin to fathom all with which You have filled the pages of Holy Scripture!  Some of it is so hard for us to hear and so we block our ears.  We don't like thinking about the responsibility and accountability that comes with Your grace and mercy, poured out freely for us. Help me to respond with a willing and joyful heart, no matter how tough or unpopular the obedience may be.  You are my all-in-all!  Pleasing YOU is what matters - now and for all eternity!  Alleluia!  Love divine!  Amen!

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