02 August 2015

For a reason

It's past dusk, Father God, and the dark is wrapping us up for the night.  I am so blessed to live somewhere without light pollution, so Your stars can light up my darkness.  Thank You for the rhythm of day and night; for the times of activity and the times of rest.  Thank You for this holy Lord's Day, a time to cease from our usual routines and pause within the sacred.  Forgive us when we ignore these blessings of time and space.  Forgive us when we think we know better than You do what's most important in our lives.  I have such a bad habit of wanting to take control, Lord.  Thank You for the closing in of the night and the reminder that You separated the light from the dark, the day from the night, the workweek from the Sabbath for a reason - You did it for me.  Such knowledge is too wonderful for me!  You created things as they are in the working  of the universe for me.  How could I even dream of being able to be in control of anything?  We praise You and lift our Alleluias on high with the choirs of angels, as they sing, "Holy! Holy! Holy!" for all eternity. Amen and Amen and Amen!

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