08 August 2015

On the Road

Blessed Heavenly Father, we don't know where the road of life is going to take us.  I know there are unexpected twists and turns and that sometimes potholes catch us unaware.  I also know what happens when I'm trying to be in control, rather than let You be my pilot and my navigator!  I can't see what lies ahead around the bends of time, but You see it all and so I know I can trust You to show me the right way.  I'm not capable of navigating my way through the rough and tough stretches, so please enable me to hand it over to You, dear Holy Spirit.  Things may look beautiful at the moment, and I'm so easily distracted by what's around me. Sometimes I become complacent and am in danger of nodding off.  I need You to help me keep my attention focused on You, the One on whom I totally depend.  I know that if I do, You will bring me safely to my ultimate destination, Lord Jesus, and so I can enjoy the journey, no matter what the condition of the road. When it's time I know You will deliver me to heaven and the dwelling place of our Father, and there is no greater joy I can possibly have - to be with You now on the road and at my journey's end! Amen!

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