22 August 2015

Being the friend

What a wonderful morning it has been, Father God!  You make the rough places smooth when I take the time to seek You in the midst of it.  Thank You for dispersing the fogs of uncertainty.  Thank You for being the Light of my life, even on cloudy days.  Thank You for touching my heart through the words and actions of others.  May I also be a blessing as I journey into the rest of this day. Your gift of the companionship of Christian family is so gracious and so needed. I pray today especially for those who are without the friendship of others. Fellowship in community not loneliness in isolation is what You created us for. 
O Holy Spirit, give me eyes that see and ears that hear those who are lonely, even in a crowd.  Help me to be the friend I would want to have - help me to be like You, dear Jesus; for Your love's sake - Amen.

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