06 August 2015

Mysterious Comforter

Holy, merciful Father-God, full of grace and wonder, might and majesty, You are above and beyond, You are within and throughout, You are indeed mysterious and yet comforting to my soul.  Like the sunshine You warm my heart, like the rain You water my spirit, like the soil You nurture my mind that I may grow.  All nature sings of You.  I see Your care reflected in the deep eyes of my trusting dog.  I hear Your love proclaimed by the cardinals as they sing.  I feel Your goodness in the touch of the cooling breeze.  Even as I hear the rumble of thunder in the distance I know that I am safe whatever comes.  O what a gift to know that's true!  O how my heart weeps for those who don't know You, dear Christ.  How terrible the thought that there are those who out-and-out reject Your love!  Help me to live so that others will be drawn to You.  May I never place a stumbling black between anyone - whomsoever they be! - and You, their Saviour.  Keep reminding me throughout my day that whatever I do or say may introduce You to someone, or - God forbid it! - turn them away from You.  Give me a warm heart, a singing spirit, a mind filled with goodness, for Your Love's sake, dear Mysterious Comforter, I pray  - Amen!

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