07 August 2015


Great and gracious God our Father, when we are too tired to stand, You uphold us.  When we willfully try to run ahead of You, You pull us back to Your side. When circumstances kick us, You wrap us in Your comfort.  When we ignore You, there is never a moment You ignore us. When we lose our temper, stamp our foot and demand our own way, You refuse to leave us in our sin but calm us down and call us back again.   When we do, think or say wrong, You remind us of what is right, and if we turn You rush to greet us and forgive us forever.   When we don't do what we should, You jab our conscience and give us the courage to make it right.  When we are weary and become sarcastic, You remind us of Your Almighty Hope.  For You are the King of Kings.  You are the Only God.  And although You are not a tyrant, You are in control of the entire universe.  In my weakness I am amazed at Your strength of love, hope and faithfulness.  All that matters is You.  How awesome that I matter to You... Thank You, my Trinity, my All, me Everything.   Forever and Ever, Amen

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