29 August 2015

Lord's Day Eve

Our Heavenly Father, it is the eve of the special day we set aside to worship You.  You are so worthy of our praise, deserving of more thanks than we can ever give You, above and beyond any honour we can bestow.  Forgive us all the many times this week that we have disappointed You with our sins and hurt others with our failings.  Wash us clean and give us a new attitude; a way of living that acknowledges You as the One who is not just Number One, but the only one deserving our prime attention.  If only we would put You above and beyond everything, then all else in our lives would fall into its proper place! How amazingly You love us!  As the moon shines down upon us tonight, shine down Your love, Lord Jesus.  Give us new hearts that glow with Your love on all those around us.  Keep us safe within Your care this night and, if it be Your will, bring us fresh and joyful to worship You tomorrow!  In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit now and forever -Amen.

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