26 August 2015

Wrap us safely in sleep

Heavenly Father, our loving Saviour and Great Comforter, as the night begins to fall over us, we lift our prayers up to You and ask that You would grant us Your blessing.  It has been a hard day for some.  For those who grieve, we ask for Your peace as You wrap Your arms of security and reassurance around them. For those who are in pain of body, struggling with disability or disease we ask, O Great Physician, that You would give to them Your wholeness and relief, that they may rest and strengthen.  For those who are anxious and fearful of tomorrow, please pour out Your calm and contentment.  Remind us all of Your never-ending presence, dear and holy God, for what a blessedness it is to know that no matter what happens You will never leave us or forsake us.  Forgive us when we desert You, or when we are not true to others.  Wrap us safely in sleep.  And when tomorrow, by Your grace comes, lift us up and enable us to start again afresh with the joy and confidence that comes from knowing You are with us not only tonight but always - forever and ever, Amen.

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