21 August 2015


Loving Heavenly Father, You are all around us and there is nowhere we can be that You aren't with us.  But as darkness wraps around the house and I relax into the comfort of the sofa, I remember that so many souls are literally wandering in darkness, never to feel at ease, never to know the great Comforter and be at peace.  Why do people reject You, Lord?  There is no greater comfort than knowing Your unconditional love surrounds me on the mountain tops, along the plateaus and in the deepest of dark valleys.  And why do even some of those who acknowledge You keep You at such a distance?  Your law of love frees me to be the me that You created me to be; it doesn't chain me down or rob me of joy.  Following You is the most joyful experience!  It is life in all its fullness! Thank You for Your path of discipleship that enables me to walk beside You, knowing I can trust You with my very life! Even when the mists of life swirl about me, trying to block my vision and mislead me, I know I can reach out and take Your hand and You will guide me. That is comfort beyond measure!  Bless any who are within mists tonight, dear Lord.  Uphold those who grieve, strengthen those who are weak, give healing and restore wholeness to those who battle sickness and disease.  May they feel Your arms around them, guiding them and leading them closer and closer to You.  For You alone are our God, You alone are the Holy One, the Most High and Holy, Holy, Holy is Your Name - now and forever - Amen! 

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