09 September 2015

These humble prayers

Gracious and Almighty, Merciful and Omnipotent, You alone are God!  Within the midst of this day I stop and remember just Who You Are, and that I am loved by the Creator, Saviour and Sustainer of the entire universe.  How great Thou art, indeed - and how blessed I am!  As I enjoy this day I remember those who are in pain.  I lift up into Your arms of healing those who battle illness and disease. I place into Your care the ones who have suffered accident or injury. I bring to You those who are grieving in the dark valley of bereavement.  I pray for those who walk with terrible memories that haunt their thoughts.  I raise to You the people who struggle with plaguing doubts and nagging uncertainties.  I am blessed to be able to bring before You these folk and I am thankful for the ability to do so.  Take these humble prayers and use them for Your glory; use them to build up Your Kingdom; use them to spread the Good News of Your Loving Salvation to all who so desperately need You.  I need You, Lord, every moment of every day.  What blessings fill my way as I walk with You, through the worst the world can bring to the best of which my soul sings.  Glory hallelujah!  The God of all, the Ruler of everything, the Only One reigns forever and ever, and I am His and He is mine!  How incredibly awesome - Amen.

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