11 September 2015

When it's hard to pray

Loving Father God, when it's hard to pray is when we perhaps need most to pray.  Sometimes the words just won't come; things are too deep, to painful, too raw, or we're simply too tired to think straight.  Hold us, dear Jesus.  And as You pray for us, Sweet Lord, enable us to pray with You.  Lift our eyes from our selves and focus us on You.  May our vision see beyond whatever is keeping us from coming to You and give us the courage to open our hearts, our emotions, our thoughts, that we may know we are cherished, forgiven, restored. When it's hard to pray, blessed Father, it's often hard to believe we are loved.  Hug us within Your arms of mercy and surround us with Your comfort, O Holy Spirit. For You alone are our Peace and You alone are the One who shows us undeserved, unrestrained, bountiful goodness and - yes - undying love.  When it's hard to pray, lift our hearts into Your glory, that we may love You with even a fraction of the love You have for us, and reach out into the darkness of others' lives with the light of that Good News - We are loved, forever and ever and ever, Amen!

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