11 October 2015


Loving, merciful, mighty Father God,  the evening is hushed.  The supper is cleared, the dogs have settled and are gently snoring, the television is off and no traffic is passing.  How seldom we have precious times that are hushed; when we can simply be with You and thank You for all that has made up this day.  You have brought us to this place, through all the times of our lives, and You have never let us go.  This moment is a moment shared with the Creator of All that is, seen and unseen.  The very moment I am in Your holy presence and wrapped in Your love, dear Jesus.  I am Your beloved child.  What words can express the indescribable joy and the lava of comfort that flows over me with such knowledge?  There are no words.  There is need be no words.  The evening is hushed and I am with my Father, Son, Spirit.  It is a time of holy hush...  I whisper alleluia... Amen... 

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