04 June 2015

Holy Honesty

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord - sometimes I am tongue-tied when I realise I am in Your presence.  What do I, little person that I am, have to say to The King of Kings? You are holy - perfect - totally together - above everything and everyone.  Do you really want to listen to my burblings and mutterings?  I know You didn't like the grumbles of the Israelites in the wilderness, so I try not to complain.  But I know, Father, that You would rather I grumbled than not talk to You at all.  Help me to always be honest with You, Lord.  Hypocritical living was something You really blazed against during Your earthly ministry and I never want to act in a way that makes you angry or sad.  I know that it's pointless putting on a false, happy face with You, for You know the deepest recesses of my heart and mind. O Holy Spirit, keep me honest - with You and with my neighbors.  But with others may it always be an honesty rooted in selfless love; never vindictive, never prideful or self-seeking but always charitable, uplifting and kind.  Yes, Lord, I know there are ways of saying whatever needs to be said.  And You are right, that sometimes I don't need to say anything at all.  Bless me as I struggle to live this life called Christian.  O Lamb of God, I bow to my knees before You in humility and awe and cry "Holy!", now and always - Amen. 

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