18 June 2015

for Charleston SC

Out of the depths we cry unto You, Father God.  We lift to You our brothers and sisters in Christ at Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston as they grieve for their loved ones, murdered so brutally last night.  O Lord, how low have we sunk into depravity, when our young people believe they are doing right by doing such evil?  Lift us up onto holy ground that will not turn a blind eye or a deaf ear to those who suffer.  Give us courage to confront evil and overcome it with Your love, Your mercy and Your truth.   We wait for You, Lord, our souls wait and in Your Word we put our hope.  Still and quieten our hearts and fill this nation with Your peace and justice, that love of You may flow through our streets and into our troubled minds.  Cast out all that is sinful, renew a right spirit within us, and lead us forth in Your Kingdom - united as Your children - indivisible in Your grace - together as Your family.  For out of the depths together we cry unto You, O Lord, our rock and our redeemer - Amen. 

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