15 June 2015

Break down the barriers

Heavenly Father-God, You never wear out Your patience.  Mine snaps way too often!  You never stop listening attentively.  Too many times I don't hear what someone says to me because I'm thinking of other things - all too often what I'm going to say next!   You are always generous and pour out on us blessings we can't number.   I'm too regularly stingy and worry about myself more than I do about others - NOT the way You want me to live!  And You never cease to forgive.  O how that cuts me to the heart, because I am so slow to even think about forgiving someone.  I hold on to grudges and make my forgiveness conditional on their saying they're sorry.  That's not how You forgave me on the cross.  O Jesus, if You had waited to die for the world until the world said, "I'm sorry; please forgive me" we would all still be lost in the darkness of death!  Please help me, O Holy Spirit, to break down all the barriers, all the excuses, all the pride that keeps me from living a life of forgiveness.  Grant me Your patience, enable me to listen, create in me a selflessly giving spirit and, Lord, lead me to forgive as I am forgiven.  And may it all be for Your love's sake, Father-Son-Spirit, Three in One.  Amen

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