12 June 2015

In the Nighttime

The darkness is wrapped around us, Heavenly Father.   When we can feel that You are close to us, the nighttime can bring a blessing; as though You are wrapping the world in a blanket, tucking it in for the night.  When all that fills us is fear and uncertainty, the dark can be a place of deep loneliness and sorrow, even despair.  May our memories comfort us rather than grieve us.  May the night bring Your peace and rest rather than turmoil and restlessness.  Help us to hold Your nail-scarred hand in the dark and know that we are safe in Your love, and that the morning will indeed dawn again in our lives.  Where there is pain, grant healing.  Where there is despair, pour out hope.  If there is anxiety, bring Your blessing of contentment as we trust in You.  May we all sleep within Your arms of mercy, dear Savior Shepherd.  Thank You that You never leave us, that You are always watching over us. No matter how dark the night; whether we feel Your presence or not, You are with us - always - everywhere - Alleluia! Amen

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