17 June 2015

Holy Habits

Father God, obedience is a hard word to us in our culture.   When we hear the word "discipline" we think of punishment instead of good, holy habits.  But I know I cannot be a disciple unless I have discipline.  Why should You bother with me if I won't even discipline myself to prayer, reading Your Word, fasting and works of mercy for others?  I know I need to grow closer to You, but my selfishness resists the discipline it takes.  Holy Spirit, only You can transform me.  Only You can enable me to stand firm against my own resistance to You and help me to kneel at the cross.   Draw me closer, I pray.  Even if I seem to be kicking and screaming about it, don't let me disobey You.  I know I will thank You in the end for the effort it takes now.  For You are my loving Shepherd, the one who keeps me from harm and leads me beside still waters that calm my soul.  Instill Your holy habits in me for Your sake, O Christ - Amen.

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