29 August 2015

Lord's Day Eve

Our Heavenly Father, it is the eve of the special day we set aside to worship You.  You are so worthy of our praise, deserving of more thanks than we can ever give You, above and beyond any honour we can bestow.  Forgive us all the many times this week that we have disappointed You with our sins and hurt others with our failings.  Wash us clean and give us a new attitude; a way of living that acknowledges You as the One who is not just Number One, but the only one deserving our prime attention.  If only we would put You above and beyond everything, then all else in our lives would fall into its proper place! How amazingly You love us!  As the moon shines down upon us tonight, shine down Your love, Lord Jesus.  Give us new hearts that glow with Your love on all those around us.  Keep us safe within Your care this night and, if it be Your will, bring us fresh and joyful to worship You tomorrow!  In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit now and forever -Amen.

26 August 2015

Wrap us safely in sleep

Heavenly Father, our loving Saviour and Great Comforter, as the night begins to fall over us, we lift our prayers up to You and ask that You would grant us Your blessing.  It has been a hard day for some.  For those who grieve, we ask for Your peace as You wrap Your arms of security and reassurance around them. For those who are in pain of body, struggling with disability or disease we ask, O Great Physician, that You would give to them Your wholeness and relief, that they may rest and strengthen.  For those who are anxious and fearful of tomorrow, please pour out Your calm and contentment.  Remind us all of Your never-ending presence, dear and holy God, for what a blessedness it is to know that no matter what happens You will never leave us or forsake us.  Forgive us when we desert You, or when we are not true to others.  Wrap us safely in sleep.  And when tomorrow, by Your grace comes, lift us up and enable us to start again afresh with the joy and confidence that comes from knowing You are with us not only tonight but always - forever and ever, Amen.

22 August 2015

Being the friend

What a wonderful morning it has been, Father God!  You make the rough places smooth when I take the time to seek You in the midst of it.  Thank You for dispersing the fogs of uncertainty.  Thank You for being the Light of my life, even on cloudy days.  Thank You for touching my heart through the words and actions of others.  May I also be a blessing as I journey into the rest of this day. Your gift of the companionship of Christian family is so gracious and so needed. I pray today especially for those who are without the friendship of others. Fellowship in community not loneliness in isolation is what You created us for. 
O Holy Spirit, give me eyes that see and ears that hear those who are lonely, even in a crowd.  Help me to be the friend I would want to have - help me to be like You, dear Jesus; for Your love's sake - Amen.

21 August 2015


Loving Heavenly Father, You are all around us and there is nowhere we can be that You aren't with us.  But as darkness wraps around the house and I relax into the comfort of the sofa, I remember that so many souls are literally wandering in darkness, never to feel at ease, never to know the great Comforter and be at peace.  Why do people reject You, Lord?  There is no greater comfort than knowing Your unconditional love surrounds me on the mountain tops, along the plateaus and in the deepest of dark valleys.  And why do even some of those who acknowledge You keep You at such a distance?  Your law of love frees me to be the me that You created me to be; it doesn't chain me down or rob me of joy.  Following You is the most joyful experience!  It is life in all its fullness! Thank You for Your path of discipleship that enables me to walk beside You, knowing I can trust You with my very life! Even when the mists of life swirl about me, trying to block my vision and mislead me, I know I can reach out and take Your hand and You will guide me. That is comfort beyond measure!  Bless any who are within mists tonight, dear Lord.  Uphold those who grieve, strengthen those who are weak, give healing and restore wholeness to those who battle sickness and disease.  May they feel Your arms around them, guiding them and leading them closer and closer to You.  For You alone are our God, You alone are the Holy One, the Most High and Holy, Holy, Holy is Your Name - now and forever - Amen! 

08 August 2015

On the Road

Blessed Heavenly Father, we don't know where the road of life is going to take us.  I know there are unexpected twists and turns and that sometimes potholes catch us unaware.  I also know what happens when I'm trying to be in control, rather than let You be my pilot and my navigator!  I can't see what lies ahead around the bends of time, but You see it all and so I know I can trust You to show me the right way.  I'm not capable of navigating my way through the rough and tough stretches, so please enable me to hand it over to You, dear Holy Spirit.  Things may look beautiful at the moment, and I'm so easily distracted by what's around me. Sometimes I become complacent and am in danger of nodding off.  I need You to help me keep my attention focused on You, the One on whom I totally depend.  I know that if I do, You will bring me safely to my ultimate destination, Lord Jesus, and so I can enjoy the journey, no matter what the condition of the road. When it's time I know You will deliver me to heaven and the dwelling place of our Father, and there is no greater joy I can possibly have - to be with You now on the road and at my journey's end! Amen!

07 August 2015


Great and gracious God our Father, when we are too tired to stand, You uphold us.  When we willfully try to run ahead of You, You pull us back to Your side. When circumstances kick us, You wrap us in Your comfort.  When we ignore You, there is never a moment You ignore us. When we lose our temper, stamp our foot and demand our own way, You refuse to leave us in our sin but calm us down and call us back again.   When we do, think or say wrong, You remind us of what is right, and if we turn You rush to greet us and forgive us forever.   When we don't do what we should, You jab our conscience and give us the courage to make it right.  When we are weary and become sarcastic, You remind us of Your Almighty Hope.  For You are the King of Kings.  You are the Only God.  And although You are not a tyrant, You are in control of the entire universe.  In my weakness I am amazed at Your strength of love, hope and faithfulness.  All that matters is You.  How awesome that I matter to You... Thank You, my Trinity, my All, me Everything.   Forever and Ever, Amen

06 August 2015

Mysterious Comforter

Holy, merciful Father-God, full of grace and wonder, might and majesty, You are above and beyond, You are within and throughout, You are indeed mysterious and yet comforting to my soul.  Like the sunshine You warm my heart, like the rain You water my spirit, like the soil You nurture my mind that I may grow.  All nature sings of You.  I see Your care reflected in the deep eyes of my trusting dog.  I hear Your love proclaimed by the cardinals as they sing.  I feel Your goodness in the touch of the cooling breeze.  Even as I hear the rumble of thunder in the distance I know that I am safe whatever comes.  O what a gift to know that's true!  O how my heart weeps for those who don't know You, dear Christ.  How terrible the thought that there are those who out-and-out reject Your love!  Help me to live so that others will be drawn to You.  May I never place a stumbling black between anyone - whomsoever they be! - and You, their Saviour.  Keep reminding me throughout my day that whatever I do or say may introduce You to someone, or - God forbid it! - turn them away from You.  Give me a warm heart, a singing spirit, a mind filled with goodness, for Your Love's sake, dear Mysterious Comforter, I pray  - Amen!

02 August 2015

For a reason

It's past dusk, Father God, and the dark is wrapping us up for the night.  I am so blessed to live somewhere without light pollution, so Your stars can light up my darkness.  Thank You for the rhythm of day and night; for the times of activity and the times of rest.  Thank You for this holy Lord's Day, a time to cease from our usual routines and pause within the sacred.  Forgive us when we ignore these blessings of time and space.  Forgive us when we think we know better than You do what's most important in our lives.  I have such a bad habit of wanting to take control, Lord.  Thank You for the closing in of the night and the reminder that You separated the light from the dark, the day from the night, the workweek from the Sabbath for a reason - You did it for me.  Such knowledge is too wonderful for me!  You created things as they are in the working  of the universe for me.  How could I even dream of being able to be in control of anything?  We praise You and lift our Alleluias on high with the choirs of angels, as they sing, "Holy! Holy! Holy!" for all eternity. Amen and Amen and Amen!