24 July 2015

Uplifted and Renewed!

Heavenly Father God, You are here and You are listening every moment of every day.  What a wonder that is for me, the one who finds it so hard to listen for even a few minutes!  As I sit here this morning, the air is heavy with humidity and the wind chimes are still.  The birds don't even seem to be singing and the silence is almost claustrophobic as it surrounds me.  But I cannot be heavyhearted even within this summer heat that weighs on me, because You are here!  If I listen very closely and watch very carefully I can see the signs of Your presence - gently the corn tassels stir and my soul is refreshed with the knowledge that You love me.  Nothing and no one can renew me as You can! There is nothing of greater importance today than to spend time with You, my loving God.  Bless me with the peace of Your touch and enable me to be a reflection of You, O Christ, in the life You would have me live, the places You would have me go, the people You would have me meet today.  Then I can face anything!  Yes, the circumstances may be heavy and oppressive, but You are my uplifting joy!  You are the only One who saves me and holds me and brings me the refreshing water of real life - Kingdom life!  Hallelujah!  Blessed be the Father, the Son, the Spirit - Three-in-One!  Amen!

20 July 2015


Loving and Almighty Father-God, in the midst of the booming of the afternoon thunderstorms I raise my voice up to You.  Your Word is sharper than the lightning,  Your love is deeper than the thunder.  You are greater and more powerful than anything nature can throw at us!  People talk about respecting the weather, about respect for ourselves and respect for others.  Sadly, these days there's not a lot of talk about respect for You, the One True God, maker of heaven and earth and all that is, seen and unseen.  I am so sorry, Lord.  You really have amazing patience with us.  I am overwhelmed with just how merciful You are and how much You must love us to put up with us like You do.  Thank You for standing by me throughout it all, FatherSonSpirit.
You are, indeed, worthy of the respect of the universe!  Alleluia!  Amen!

18 July 2015

Wind and water

Almighty and Merciful Father-God, we are thankful for this day!  The sunshine is hazy and the corn is as high as an elephant's eye, as they say.  A slight breeze rustles its leaves and I am reminded, O Holy Spirit, of Your gentle rustling through my life.  You make the heat bearable. You touch my brow with the kiss of Your presence and I am blessed beyond measure!  As the land dips down to the edge of the pond Your breeze increases and brings a hint of coolness after it flows across the water and wraps around me in refreshment.  Wind and water - Spirit and baptism - You give me symbols of Your love and grace all about me in the world.  Give me the eyes to see You always in the midst of my life, dear Jesus.  Give me ears that want to hear Your voice above all others.  Grant me hands and feet eager to live Your will - now and always, forever and ever, we praise You, wonder-full God of Goodness!

14 July 2015

Of mountains and molehills

You are the Almighty, You are the Only, You are the True God right now and forever!  We come in praise and we come in thanks.  We come bowed low, overcome by the awesomeness of Your love and Your goodness.  There is so much we don't know.  There are so many things we don't understand.  Forgive us when we think we have the answers.  So many times we don't even really know what the really important questions are yet!  We make mountains out of molehills, but worse than that, we make molehills out of what should be mountains in our lives.  Break down anything that would stand between us and Your Word of Life.  We can't even begin to fathom all with which You have filled the pages of Holy Scripture!  Some of it is so hard for us to hear and so we block our ears.  We don't like thinking about the responsibility and accountability that comes with Your grace and mercy, poured out freely for us. Help me to respond with a willing and joyful heart, no matter how tough or unpopular the obedience may be.  You are my all-in-all!  Pleasing YOU is what matters - now and for all eternity!  Alleluia!  Love divine!  Amen!

11 July 2015

Lifting this day!

Heavenly Father-God, what a joy and blessing to wake up and know that You are with us every single morning!  Whatever there is within this day, I know that I can make it through because You are with me; comforting me, strengthening me and cheering me on.  Take hold of my hand, O Holy Spirit, and guide me to walk in Your will.  Let me remember Your love, O Holy Jesus, that I may let it overflow out of my life into the lives of all I come into contact. Guard my tongue, merciful Father, so that I may think carefully of Your mighty grace before speaking.  Where there are decisions to be made, may they be made thoughtfully while listening for Your guidance.  Open the door to all the good I might achieve by Your strength, and lock and bolt the way to any action that would bring harm to others or myself, I ask.  I lift this entire day up to You, FatherSonSpirit, great and glorious Three-in-One, for it is Yours!  In the Name above all names - Come, Lord Jesus!  Amen! 

10 July 2015

Who can come near You?

Great and gracious, holy and wonder-full Lord!  Who can come near to You? Who can begin to be who and what You are?  Forgive us for wanting to put Your majesty in a box.  Forgive us when we want to control what You say, where and when You are active.  Forgive us for trying to push You out by creating the false lie of a divide between sacred and secular.  Forgive us when we want to keep the bits of Your Word that we're comfortable with and that don't demand that we change instead of remembering that You alone are the Holy One and the Most High; You alone are God, not I.  Forgive us for not loving You enough to listen to You. Forgive us for not loving You enough to love our neighbours, whom You passionately love enough to have died for.   This entire world, the whole universe is Yours.  You made it and we cannot take it away from You, no matter how hard we may try to legislate You out of it.  Please forgive us.  Help us to walk uprightly with truth in our hearts.  Guard our tongues from backbiting and gossip.  Help us to discern good from evil, but let us not pretend to sit in Your seat of final judgment.  O Lord, I know You despise sin and I know I am a sinner.  I thank You with all my heart for loving me enough not to leave me in my sin, Blessed Jesus!  The glory and the honour is Yours forever and ever and ever - Amen!

07 July 2015

Still, Small Voice

Great and Gracious Heavenly Father, You speak to us in a still, small voice and yet it is so hard in our world to make a place of silence in order to listen.  Our society rushes loudly, not just through the day but through the night.  How can we expect to follow You, Lord, if we won't make the time and place to sit with You and listen?  Forgive us, dear God.  Spread Your wings of peace over our souls and enable us to rest in the comfort of Your heartbeat.  Enfold us in Your arms and whisper to our hearts.  We need You.  We never know what peril or difficulty or grief may thunder into each day.  We cannot survive this thing called life in joy and peace of mind without You.  Protect us from ourselves, break through our pride of independence and draw us to sit at Your feet in humbleness of spirit.  And may glory, praise and honour be Yours now and forever!  Amen, Amen, Amen.

02 July 2015

Thank You

Loving Heavenly Father, our lives can plod along and lead us to become careless in our prayer life and in the time we spend with You in Your Word.  How easy it is to put You off and take other things as our priorities!  I know that I often need shaking awake and a reminder that You are here and want my attention to centre on You.  You are so wonderful, so powerful, so above all!  You are magnificent in Your mercy, breathtaking in beauty, luscious in Love beyond anything I can begin to comprehend or describe!  No matter if my skies are menacing - even catastrophic - or if they are stunningly calm and clear blue, when I am aware that You are with me I can walk with joy and rest in peace. "Thank You" can't begin to reveal the praise that's due You, O Lord my God, but I lift to You my humble thanks for loving and saving me each day.  In Christ always and always - Amen.