26 November 2015

Precious Day

Loving Father-God, this day is precious.  Whatever is held within its hours is a gift beyond measure!  Your blessings flow out upon us, regardless of the circumstances that surround us.  Hold those who sorrow and fill them with Your comfort.  Uplift those who are despondent and give them the glow of hope. Strengthen those with decisions to be made and enable them to hear Your guidance.  Where there is disease and injury, bring Your healing of wholeness. Where there is anger, pour out Your peace.  Where relationships are broken, speak Your mending.  Wrap the lonely in Your arms.  Where dreams are faltering, instill Your true vision. Where there is hunger and thirst, cold and lack of shelter, a lack of justice or compassion, please show us how to share, O Holy Spirit.  May we be Your hands, Your voice, Your love.   Forgive us, merciful Saviour, for wanting our own way and our continuing reluctance to follow You in deed as well as in word.  There is so much possibility in each day.  Don't let us waste it.  Don't let us regret it.  Don't let us use it for anything we'd be ashamed to share with You.  May we indeed count our blessings - and remember that You are the greatest blessing of all!  May each day be full of Thanks-giving!  Alleluia! Amen!  

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